Welcome to REAMS - Research Ethical Application Management System! REAMS is a web-based platform that facilitates the presentation of electronic research proposals involving human subjects for ethics review it is a customized version of Proethos2. The goal is to help Members of an Ethics Review Committee (ERC) eliminate paperwork, so their time is well spent conducting rigorous analyses of a research protocol’s ethical and methodological aspects. REAMS facilitates the input of accurate research data. It also supports the assignation of protocols to Members and External Reviewers; the creation and distribution of final research decisions; and the ongoing monitoring of projects.
To access REMAS, you must first log in to the system using your username and password by heading to reams.uog.edu.et for the universities or cmhsreams.uog.edu.et for the College of Medicine and Health Sciences. If you don’t have an account you have to sign up by clicking on the “create account” link on the home page below the sign-in button.
REAMS should set up one admin account with which to assign access to all the other users. Users should then create accounts in the system. The user in charge of REAMS should be able to approve user access and assign corresponding roles for the core group of users.
<aside> 👉 Note: ProEthos has 5 unique user roles, including researcher, coordinator, committee member, chair, and administrator. These roles determine the level of access and permissions that users have within the system.
1. Investigator
Presents a protocol for Ethics Review. Fills in all the information that the protocol that he/she is submitting for ethical review. information such as informed consent and assent documentation, questionnaires, budgets, and other documentation are filled by users with investigator roles.
2. Secretary
Operations manager of the committee. Performs administrative functions; the Secretary may or may not participate in the Ethics review of protocols beyond the initial screening process. Secretary assigns protocols to Committee Members and External Reviewer. Provides follow-up to the protocol throughout all its phases of review.
3. Member
Participates in the ethical review of protocols. Member receives messages from the Secretary to login to the system to analyze protocols before in-person meetings.
Members write their analyses on the protocols to share with other members of the Committee and the Secretary.
4. External reviewer.
They only have privileges to enter and conduct a review of a protocol that is specifically assigned
to them.
5. Administrator